How I have always dreamed of having the space and time to write a blog! So I did the THING! AHHHHHHHH!!! So in true Liv fashion and Leo rising dramatics, I've taken it upon myself to fill my boots as Merthyr Tydfil's answer to Lady Whistledown, just without the elecution, anonymity, and sass. I can't think of anything better than a little space to let my imagination roam free and share my inner BONKERS worlds with you all. What a blessing, I hope with this blog to connect even deeper with you through the laughter, tears, highs, lows! Expect a mixture of life updates, spiritual ramblings and lots of laughter! and maybe the odd bit of swearing because I F*CKING LOVE IT! apologies in advance.
The Lions Gate Portal
As we approach the Lions Gate portal, I feel a sense of newness emerging from a very ancient place within us all as a collective conciousness. We seem to be almost going backward in social, political and relational matters, yet we're being given this opportunity for an evolutionary jump in consciousness that many human beings haven't experienced in eons at the same time. We're parallel timelines of very the very ancient yet highly advanced civilizations such as Atlantis, whilst also the old patriarchal timelines are merging and collapsing, folding and stretching. The old mixed with the new, weaving the highest expressions with the lowest in a great big bloody messy paradox of consciousness. Fabulous. So listen up, we got my favourite time of year coming up as a fellow Leo Rising. The Lions Gate, and working with the Lions Gate portal is powerful fam! Maybe youve already been receiving signs by spirit already during this time, you could be seeing lions, 888 and signs around rebirth like butterflys. The Lions Gate portal has been open since the last week of July, 8/8 is a very potent activation day heightening the energy for insights and spiritual downloads and soul evolution. BLOODY LUSH.
So what is this portal?
Lions gate is a powerful time where the constellation Sirius rises taking place at the end of July, Sirus is our spiritual sun and the brightest star in the sky. The Lions Gate its time for our souls to receive the gift of Rebirth, to answer the call of our souls. The rising of Sirius corresponded with rainy season and the flooding of the Nile, further supporting this idea of rebirth through the rain that nourished the landscape and brought replenishment to crops. Our ancestors would see this time as a gift and a time of reaping the rewards and fruits of their labour. Our ancestors believed Sirius to be the home of highly advanced souls and the gateway to heaven and would create ritual and ceremony around receiving the gifts of consciousness from sirius at this time. When I first started experiencing spiritual downloads many moons ago I would see the lions gate guardians these beautiful big white lions with wings surrounding me, their energy so pure and loving. To this day I get excited for this time of year to witness them in all their beauty and potency because they are angelic lion babies and their energy feels like love with a side of extra love and cuddles. rrrrrrr!
How to Work with lions Gate
So here’s 6 really powerful ways that I personally work with the Lions Gate;
Get out into nature and star bathe receiving the codes from the nights sky anchoring them into your body, and the earth
Connect to Sirius, Sit or meditate and listen to the messages that want to come forward
Place a Bowl or Jug of Water outside for the night of 8/8 and drink the water the next day for a cellular activation
Allow yourself to feel what wants to be moved and expressed through you during this time
Water/ Fire Scrying for visual insights, wisdom and imagery
Work with your heart and solar plexus chakra
On a Deeper Level..
Its a time of spiritual advancement and listening to the whispers of your soul, which takes immense amounts of courage sometimes to do. Radical truth and opening ourselves up to a higher consciousness, is not always the easiest path. Sometimes those hits and downloads from spirit makes no sense to us logically, and if you were like me, conciously or unconsciously I steered away from who I truely was in life more times than id like to admit. Many times in my life spirit would smack me with the truth like a ton of bricks until I was ready to listen, Listening requires devotion, it also requires surrendering to something way bigger than you too, can you trust what you cannot see? Can you put your faith in the great I AM? THE INTENSITY!!! When you can truly understand that spirit see the whole picture of your life, sometimes the irrational to us is the necessary for the change they can foresee.
Throughout the last few years of my life especially my early 20’s when I started opening to the truth of my soul, I realised that most of my life was a mixture of what i’ve been told to do, what was acceptable and what would get me love, so I would chase those things only to be sorely dissapointed to find at the destination a feeling of emptyness. This emptiness was the false promise of someone else's idea of what life should look like. In turn I decided to start living life on my own terms and again, logically it made no sense, it meant pulling away from the herd, jobs, ways of being, doing the inner excavation and following the pathless path. You see, Its not often that were encouraged to go against the grain in life, embrace our quirks and individuality, its not cool to be sovereign in society, its a lonely path and the primative response is to find safety in numbers. This is the animal that exsists inside of us that wants to be a part of the pack, but at the same time longing for the wild, the untamed. The lion & Lioness that has been domesticated longing to break free and live in its natural habitat its most truest primal nature.
We are the Lions and we’ve been domesticated for way too long…
I used to believe that success only looked like intellect, logic and reason which in its own right it is - and its highly celebrated in this society, but growing up I often felt misunderstood because my gifts and skill sets were more empathetic, wisdom based and creative. There's no prize for being wise little soul in this society but in many tribes across the world it is celebrated just as much as academic success. For me embracing my inner lioness for some time now has also allowed me to harness my inner Artist within. This not necessarily meaning grabbing a paintbrush and being the next Picasso but being the Artist of my life, and lately I have been asking myself the deeper questions. Maybe you can ask yourself the same questions too.
What is my art ?
How do I want to move others with it?
How do I want to make other people feel?
How can I fully embrace my creativity and be brave enough to share it?
How can I use my art to be of service to the whole?
because art feels personal it feels vulnerable and it feels raw. Art is not about perfection but how can you authentically relay what it is in your heart with truth and beauty.
I believe many of us this lion’s gate are being given the chance to find out once and for all beyond conditioning, beyond your ego and beyond others opinions, Who are you really? When you peel it all back and live for YOU? how can you become the artist of your life? What will you create? What colours will you use? What magic will you weave with your time here on this planet? but most of all….
What can you be true to you ?